The Spring (believe it or not it is nearly upon us) and we are introducing lots of new garden ranges to our website. With the economic climate as it is the idea of spending more time at home and making the most of our gardens is appealing. So over at Touches we are looking at ways to enhance and inspire your alfresco experience.

The Victorian era has long been recognised as one of the more inspirational, prosperous & industrial change in British history. Culturally, in early 19Th century Britain saw the revival of Gothic architecture clash with traditional classical ideals but by the middle of the 19Th century some of Britain's greatest innovations were showcased at the 1851 Great Exhibition. With this introduction of new technology construction was able to develop incorporating steel as a building component, one of the finest examples of this was the Crystal Palace. In this era of prosperity and development English architecture embraced new methods of construction and styles.
Victorian Hanging Basket £19.99 (matching bracket £9.99)
Victorian Hanging Basket £19.99 (matching bracket £9.99)