Creating a romantic inviting garden or patio can be achieved with a few accessories that create intrigue and ambiance during warm alfresco evenings and summer days.
Add some natural twig lights into bushes and trees to give a twinkling effect within the garden. alternatively hang from trees or pop onto your outdoor table some heart candle lit lanterns.
Hang some create tin hearts to individual branches in a tree or dot around the garden attaching to fences, posts and windows. Weave zinc heart garlands into the branches of trees, wrap around the trunk or hang like bunting under the parasol.
pop a romantic twig heart on a door, gate or tree to create a lovely welcoming feeling when entering the house or garden. these are also great for weaving seasonal flowers such as heather, lavender and blossom to really highlight the concept.

Mix these ideas in amongst your favourite plants and flowers. I find with plants and shrubs that evoke an emotional memory are the ones that I am always drawn too and care about the most.