This oil cloth, wipe clean fabric is new and to simply die for! Dark navy blue spotty, blue flowers, purple stripes & latte baroque are some of the new stock.... have a look....... |
blue floral design |
spotty blue |
stripy purple |
the home of country style interiors. the perfect place for hints, tips, ideas, new products & for you to have your say.......
This oil cloth, wipe clean fabric is new and to simply die for! Dark navy blue spotty, blue flowers, purple stripes & latte baroque are some of the new stock.... have a look....... |
blue floral design |
spotty blue |
stripy purple |
heart glass storage jar |
pressed glass french tea coffee sugar jars |
pressed glass french tea coffee sugar jars |
heart pressed glass cake stand |
heart pressed glass cake stand |
cream metal country style |
wooden crate style with rope handles |
traditional wicker carrier |